I’m pondering.
Enlightenment in watching a bird build a nest. Picking out the branches, and twigs, and anything it can find that might be the right fit and size to complete this home. Having patience to weave particles together for a nest strong enough to battle storms, the snow, and the wind. Embracing the efforts to gather, for too big, they won’t fit; too small, they won’t last. Fiercely protecting its home, understanding this is a beautiful masterpiece and a constant work in process.

I’m learning how to embrace this process with my heart, my real home address.
- What fits?
- What doesn’t?
- What parts are able to weather a storm?
- What parts are in need of some reinforcement?
Most importantly, am I consistent in connecting with my heart and extending it some grace to coexist in building a masterpiece and staying curious to be a work in process?

Written by Brooke Fitzgerald, Energy Builder with The Restoration Project.