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October 19, 2022


“Between stimulus and response, there is a space…”

Do you know this place that Viktor Frankl speaks of? This is the place I am working to expand and live in.

Something happens. We react. No awareness. No consideration. It is a pattern we fall into when life gets too full, when we are stuck in our busy. We shut down, we numb out, we freak out.

There is another way. Slow down the pace. Make space for space.

Space to think about what’s most important.

Space to prioritize your tasks.

Space to plan and take control of your day.

Space to consider who you want to be and prepare to show up as your best self.

Space to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t so you can be more intentional.

Space to get curious other people, perspectives and ideas.

Space to process emotions and respond with respect and integrity.

Space to play and enjoy.

Space to listen and receive.

Space simply to be.

In a world full of distraction, polarization and confusion, let’s work to be people of intention, compassion and clarity.

Be the change.

women working on laptop

Written by: Lindsay Leahy, Dream Builder at The Restoration Project

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